Unlocking Success: Insights from L&AD's Annual Meeting

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As L&AD embarks on a new year filled with promise, our annual meeting set the stage for innovation, collaboration, and growth.


  • Welcoming New Faces: We’re thrilled to welcome Guillaume Roux de Bézieux and Amina Langedijk, whose fresh perspectives will enrich our journey ahead.
  • Navigating Collective Performance: We explored dynamic approaches to mapping and matching collective performance strategies.
  • Embracing Doughnut Economics: Guillaume Roux de Bézieux shed light on the groundbreaking Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL) model by Kate Raworth.
  • Exploring Organisational Purpose: A dialogue facilitated by the Global Inspiration and Noble Purpose Institute (GINPI) sparked reflections on our collective mission.
  • Igniting Leadership Excellence: Amina Langedijk inspired us with the transformative Leadership game developed by John Maxwell.

This year’s meeting reminded us that when great minds come together, extraordinary results are inevitable. Join us on this journey of growth and transformation.

Ready to be a part of it? Reach out to learn more and get involved!
#changeisnow #noblepurpose #transformationforbetterplaces