Map & Match

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A different approach?

‘Through pleasure, an organisation's entire value creation potential is released.’  

Map & match is the only tool that reveals employees' Energy skills™ or “pleasure in doing” talents to match them to the challenges of a position or team.

Reveal, understand and support the human capital at all levels: individual, team, project, organisation.

Map & Match:

Increase commitment: develop and support

A new approach based on each employee's ‘love of doing’ and on how to put these talents to work for the team and to meet the company's challenges.  Using the manager map & match onboarding tool means ‘mapping’ the ‘Pleasure of Doing’ profile of each employee or team and ‘matching’ it to the expectations of a role or to the company's challenges in order to : 

  • Engage, develop and support; 
  • Optimise team performance; 
  • Accelerate change management; 
  • Recruit and integrate efficiently. 

Optimising Team Performance

Each team has its own specific intelligence to meet the challenges it faces. 

Using the map & match manager onboarding tool, map how a team operates to help it think about, commit to and align with its challenges, in order to build a simple, operational action plan that optimises and accelerates the achievement of the expected results. 

Based on the T5™ Talents of its members, map & match helps to answer the following 4 questions:

  • How does our team work? 
  • How do we complement each other? 
  • What is missing to achieve our objectives? 
  • What action plan do we need to build to align our operations with our challenges? 

Accelerating change

Transforming means getting everyone on board to achieve a common goal.  

Individual profiles and the collective map reveal the company's culture and the natural way in which the organisation operates, to refine the roadmap for the transformation project and ensure its success. 

Supporting a transformation with map & match means:  

  • Anticipating the obstacles and levers to the implementation of the project 
  • Identifying the facilitators and ambassadors for project implementation 
  • Involving each employee by focusing on his or her areas of expertise 
  • Accelerate project completion by making the team more agile and aligned 

Recruit & integrate efficiently

Recruiting is a perilous exercise.  
The risk is to favour affinity-based recruitment, neglecting the drivers of candidate commitment and their complementarity with the rest of the organisation. 

Recruiting with map & match means:

  • Offering a differentiated recruitment process. 
  • Discovering what motivates candidates 
  • Analysing their skills in relation to the expectations of their role 
  • Measuring how they complement their manager and team. 

One recruitment in two ends in failure after 18 months (Mark Murphy - Founder of the Leadership IQ Institute) 

Support on 3 levels

  • The individual

    Profile T5™ discover the talents of each employee to develop commitment, train or recruit. 

  • The team

    Exploring how a team works to manage or support it more effectively and optimise the operational processes needed to meet the challenges. 

  • The organisation

    Unleash the potential of an organisation to accelerate change and business performance. 

The tool and its applications